Ways to Give

COVID-19 Information
Due to the pandemic, checks received to LAS or UIC will experience longer than normal processing times. If you have mailed a check to LAS or UIC, you will receive a confirmation and receipt once the gift is processed. You can make a gift online at any time and it will be processed immediately.
To make a gift by mail, please send your check to:
University of Illinois Foundation
P.O. Box 734500
Chicago, IL 60673-4500
If you have any questions about the best way to make a gift or how your gift is being handled, please contact cashdesk@uif.uillinois.edu.
UIC’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (“LAS”) is generously supported by its alumni and friends in many different ways and with gifts at every level. Thank you for considering the following options for making a gift to support the College and its students. Your generosity is both essential and truly appreciated. Gifts of every size help fuel our trajectory of academic excellence and discovery and expand our positive impact in the lives of students and the communities we serve. Your support affirms a belief in the essential role that a UIC LAS education plays in preparing a new generation of leaders and innovators for the 21st century.
Ways to Give Heading link
Annaul Gifts
- Gifts to the UIC Fund for LAS are unrestricted and allow the Dean the discretion to direct funds toward pressing priorities of the College. You may also choose to give to UIC LAS Scholarships, or any existing departmental or unit fund. Annual gifts of all sizes make a big difference to LAS and our students each year.
Endowed Gifts
- A gift of any size toward an existing endowed fund, or a commitment of $25,000 or more (payable over time) to create a new endowed fund, helps the College build a sustainable source of support that each year provides funding to address the College’s priorities and the needs of our students. Your gift to grow the LAS endowment may be directed to:
- Scholarships and Internships
- Faculty Support and Research
- Learning Spaces and other priorities of the College
- Please contact Wendy Irvine, LAS Assistant Dean for Advancement (312.413.3469 or wirvine@uic.edu) to learn more about how you can make a lasting impact to the College through your endowment support.
Recurring Gifts
- Recurring gifts are set, monthly contributions, directed to any area of the College that you wish to support. Your monthly giving provides a steady base of support for UIC LAS that helps the College plan for the future. To set up a recurring gift, please visit the University of Illinois Foundation’s giving page.
Stock or Securities Gifts
- Securities with large unrealized profits (long-term capital gains) make great gift options. The profit on your securities will escape taxation and your charitable deduction will be the full market value of your investment as long as the security is held for more than one year. Gifts of securities may be deducted up to 30% of your adjusted gross income, with a five-year carryover for excess deductions if you itemize.
- For transfer instructions or more information about giving publicly traded stocks or mutual funds to support UIC LAS, please contact the University of Illinois Foundation (the “Foundation”) at 217.244.0352 or cashdesk@uif.uillinois.edu. To ensure that your gift is properly credited, it is very helpful if you are able to provide the Foundation with information about the type of stock you are donating, the anticipated date of transfer, and your intention to support UIC LAS with your forthcoming stock or securities gift.
Matching Gifts
- Ask your employer if they match gifts; many companies and organizations participate and can double or even triple your gift. To learn more about making a matching gift, please contact Arlene Cortez, Director of Development, at 312-413-3468 or arlenec@uic.edu.
Charitable IRA Rollover
- After you have attained the age of 70 ½, you are permitted to transfer up to $100,000 annually from your IRA to a qualified charity like the University of Illinois Foundation (the Foundation) for the benefit of LAS. The funds must come directly from your IRA provider with the check written to the Foundation. The direct transfer has two main benefits: 1) Any funds transferred will count towards or cover your required minimum distribution (“RMD”) for that tax year, and 2) distributions are not added to your taxable income.
- To make your rollover gift, instruct your IRA administrator to send a check payable to the “University of Illinois Foundation” to 1305 West Green Street, Urbana, IL 61801, for the benefit of UIC LAS. Please also ask your broker to include your name on the check’s stub.
Planned Gifts
UIC LAS is continually strengthened by the generosity of our dedicated alumni and friends. As you reflect on your own goals, we hope that you’ll also consider a planned gift to the University of Illinois Foundation (“UIF”) to benefit the College through your will, living trust, or retirement plan. There are also ways to structure a gift to provide a lifetime income stream to yourself and/or a loved one while receiving an immediate income tax deduction. We’re happy to share customized illustrations for these types of arrangements at no cost or obligation.
For further information, please contact LAS Assistant Dean for Advancement Wendy Irvine (312.413.3469 or wirvine@uic.edu) or UIF’s Office of Gift Planning and Trust Services (217.244.0473 or gpinfo@uif.ullinois.edu). We also invite you to visit http://uic.giftplans.org/ to learn more.
LAS Giving Circles Heading link
UIC LAS is grateful for the generous support of alumni, parents, faculty, staff, students and friends who have helped to build and sustain the College. The UIC LAS Giving Circles celebrate the extraordinary commitment that our donors make to the College. UIC LAS Giving Circles annually recognize generous donors in these areas:
Loyalty Circle Heading link

Loyalty Circle : recognizing donors who give to LAS in two or more consecutive years

Leadership Annual Giving: recognizing an annual leadership gift of $1,000-$9,999

Dean’s Circle: recognizing an annual leadership gift of $10,000 to $24,999.

Dean’s IGNITE Circle: recognizing major gifts of $25,000 or more.

Make Your Gift Heading link
To make your gift online, please visit our safe and secure site at las.uic.edu/giving or click the “Make a gift now” button below.
Please make gifts by check or money order payable to the University of Illinois Foundation. Please also include a short note (or memo on your check) stating the purpose or designation of your gift. Mail to:
Linda Macias, Assistant Director of Donor Relations
UIC College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
601 South Morgan Street MC 228
Chicago, Illinois 60607
To make a gift by phone, or if you have questions, please contact Linda at: 312-413-3281 or maciasl@uic.edu.